lude met up with musician and creative Oddboy Ten to discuss his thoughts on his recent visit to the motherland.

Lude: What was it like growing up Nigerian household in Britain?
OddBoy Ten: my parents are religiously conservative Nigerians. Growing up, they imparted norms and values to me that were a stark contrast to the cultural normative freedoms of the west. Trying to walk the tight rope between the two cultures was a headache.
I guess that speaks to the generational and cultural barrier between parents from non-western cultures and their westernised children. Even still, I have always cherished and respected the wisdom of my parents.
Lude: Tell us about your recent visit to Nigeria ?
OddBoy Ten: My recent visit to Nigeria really solidified the importance of there teachings. At the same time the culture out thei is changing, ideas of identity and beliefs are changing. So the country is not the same as it was when my parents were growing up. But some things never change.
"Our culture and talents have a huge influence on the culture both here and state side."

Lude: What makes you say that ?
Oddboy Ten : Street hustlers, you won’t find none more savy than a Nigerian street merchant. I got hustled boy, haha.
Lude: Do you think that the culture out there is becoming an extension of British and American culture?
Oddboy Ten: I would say that the culture out there is influenced by what’s happening over here and in the US. But it’s definitely not an extension of the West.
The world is a much smaller place right now. Taste levels are changing, influenced by the things people are exposed to. We are exposed to so much and so culture is bound to shift.

Oddboy:But it’s happening both ways right now Africa as a continent and Nigeria in particular is on the rise again. And I love it. Our culture and talents have a huge influence on the culture both here and state side.
Lude: What did this shoot mean to you ?
Oddboy Ten: The shoot was my take on the pride I have of being a Nigerian man on British soil. It also reflected the duality between my black Britishness and my Nigerian heritage. My visit back home reenergised me and I wanted to bring that same energy back.