From the point of birth to our last moments on earth, we learn to endure. Be it through pain, suffering, hardship, or heartache, we endure. Sounds bleak, yeah, but there is also something empowering about the idea. We find ourselves in a perpetual state of adversity, natural and man made, and yet we thrive. It’s astonishing isn’t it, resilience in pursuit of a goal, the capacity to withstand obstacle after pitfall, all whilst battling your unique ability to procrastinate. Yes you need to close those tabs, your Size basket is not running, Youtube can wait,  but good luck if you are on TikTok. 

We met with rising artist mr internationaal DS, who is no stranger to adversity. Hailing from Archway North London, DS, like many of us began life playing one touch on council estate walls. Dapping the mandem on the wall, mandem who would momentarily become youth workers 'Wallahi, you will make it, just stay off the road ting' before returning to their usual activities, checking in on workers 'Yoo Ak, have you licked that dot?'. Unlike many of us DS's hands soon shook those of talent scouts, coaches and managers, as his talents took him around the world. Sometimes one touch on the estate does lead to full dinner plates. That is until March 3rd 2019, where a mistimed tackle resulted in a double leg break, shaking DS's world. Below is our chat with DS about his journey. The emerging talent was open and honest speaking on setbacks, loss, heartache and growth. 

Where are you coming from?

Originally from DRC Congo but born and raised in Archway North London, big up.

If you can share, what has been the hardest night of your life to date? 

Losing my auntie and cousin to gun violence on the same day. That one there made me realise that you have to appreciate people you care about everyday and live life under your terms as this life is a blur.

Was music always the focus?

No music became the focus towards the end of 2019 before that it was football, football, football. However the transition to music happened organically and I still love ball. I definitely want to get involved with football someday as an agent or coach.

After seeing parts of the world through football, how was it to return home and essentially start again?

Not going to lie, it was hard you know, because I had too adapt in order get myself together. Football provided a routine that I was used too. Coming back to the hustle and bustle of London was mad. I had to get prioritise in check again. It was madness for like a year. Then things came together and I got used to living in London again.

Has that experience influenced how you approach achieving your goals?

Definitely, I realised that in order for us to ever be happy with our goals we have to fall in love with our journey with the ups and downs. Everything comes in it’s time so I try not too get too caught up. It's going to happen when, when it happens. I rather focus on what I’m doing right now.

How do you picture success?

Having loyal fans internationally!! Also being at peace with myself, knowing I get paid too make music full time, that’s when I know I’ve done it! And buying mum a house ! I’ll be very blessed to achieve all of that.

Most underrated artist that inspires you? 

Anderson Paak for me is crazy underrated artist, he plays instruments, he writes his own stuff, produces and has a varied soundscape, he makes different kinds of music. So whenever I listen too him it’s a different experience every time as his songs aren’t all the same. 

What or who has been a major influence on your journey? 

As time goes on and my relationship with God/higher power continues to get better. I am realising my anxiety and fear patterns decrease. I trust in myself and what I am doing, my purpose. I am no longer as fearful as I was before when it came too going after my dream. And it’s still getting better, it’s a process.

Who do you need to forgive?

Maybe my ex, you know.

What happened? 

I was immature at the time and more focused on the bad she done over  the good. So I never really got the chance to close the chapter properly. I ended it in a heated way, without really every forgiving her while also failing to realise I wasn’t always right either. 

Favourite saying?


Who should we interview next ?


Creative Direction & Styling 

Delenn V


Dean D

Special Thanks to

Halo London 

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